Therapeutic Medical Clowning

Medical clowning speeds up the healing procedure for hospitalized patients or people treated in different medical facilities, through humor and joy.
You also can take part in this mission
Because nothing is healthier than a laugh!

Emergincy rooms devision

“Simchat Halev” volunteers escort ER patients in different hospitals
And help them in various ways:
They offer mental and emotional support, help in communicating with the medical staff and give technical and physical assistance.
Further reading

Living with “Simchat Halev”

We believe that joy can give any person the strength to live.
Our activity is aimed at everyone: Adults, senior citizens, teens, organization employees and anyone who wishes to be happy.
Further reading

See how much joy we’ve put in hearts

hospitals, medical facilities and organizations

 Volunteering throughout the country

medical clowns

Volunteering throughout the country

seminars per year

Professional training for medical clowning students.

and endless smiles

Volunteering throughout the country

We make people happy all over the country

Come see for yourselves and be happy!
